Cunningham Votes to Defend Vital South Carolina Military Project

Press Release

Date: Sept. 27, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Joe Cunningham joined a bipartisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives in voting to terminate President Trump's reckless emergency declaration that would raid critical military funds for the construction of a border wall, including $11 million in funding for the Laurel Bay Fire Station Replacement in Beaufort. This follows an identical vote by the Republican-led Senate yesterday.

A 2018 report sent to Congress by Deputy Assistant Navy Secretary James Balocki expressed the dangers military families will face without a new fire station. The outdated fire station has "reached the end of its life expectancy' and poses a number of major health and safety risks to servicemembers and their families living in the community.

Earlier this month, the Administration announced they will cancel $3.6 billion of military construction projects at home and abroad that range from intelligence, training and repair facilities to fire stations, roads, schools, dining facilities and health clinics for children and families living on base.

"Our representatives in government have a duty to ensure that our servicemembers and their families have the resources they need and the quality of life they deserve," said Rep. Joe Cunningham. "I will continue to work across the aisle to strengthen our borders and secure our ports of entry, but not in a way that betrays our commitment to our armed forces. Today, Democrats and Republicans in Congress once again sent a clear message to the White House that raiding funds from essential military construction projects is unacceptable and I urge the Administration to do the right thing."
